News and insights about our business, clients, and general industry.

30 SEO Terms That Everyone Should Know
At Applied Interactive, search engine optimization (SEO) is our primary focus. We work hard every day to help our clients generate quality traffic and actionable leads. Like many internet marketing specialties, SEO has its own unique language. Understanding these...

Google+ is Breaking Up Into Photos and Streams
Here at Applied Interactive, a lot of what we do every day is to make sure our clients’ content is being picked up by search engines and that the keywords contained therein are being indexed as quickly as possible. Not surprisingly, social media plays an integral role...

Social media posts – timing is everything…
It’s probably safe to assume that anyone reading this space already understands the role social media plays in driving quality traffic to their website. It’s no big secret that a website’s ranking in the results returned by various search engines can be greatly...

Google Seeks a New Standard of Truth on the Internet
Since its inception, the Internet has never ceased growing, being filled with more and more content every minute. Unfortunately, most of this content is garbage. Propaganda, misinformation, and pure rumor clutters many search results and sorting through that digital...

Yahoo Makes Gains in Battle of Search Engines
The battle of the search engines is raging, and Yahoo is currently enjoying the highest share numbers it has seen in the past five years. This gain has been largely attributed to Firefox’s replacement of Google with Yahoo as its default search browser. Meanwhile,...

Is There a Realistic SEO Timeline?
Let’s cut right to the moral of the story: There is nothing fast about the SEO of today. Establishing and maintaining your website’s reputation with the major search engines takes TIME. Not just time to do the work, but time to see quantifiable results. SEO strategy...

7 Common Mistakes To Avoid On Local Websites
Pandas and Penguins and Pigeons! Oh, my! Launched in July 2014, Pigeon is a new update to the Google search algorithm, providing more useful, relevant and accurate local search results more closely tied to traditional web search ranking signals. Google claims that...

A Cautionary Tale About Testing & Quality Control
Just like I do (almost) every working day, I showed up in the office this morning, grabbed my fix of caffeine and carbohydrate, and settled into my routine of, among other things, checking my morning email. Because of the nature of my work, I have several email...

Effective e-Newsletter Management Really Matters
It’s been said that there are times when just being good enough is sufficient – but that’s just never the case around here at Applied Interactive. We take our work seriously and “good enough” is… well… it just isn’t. In our minds, it’s always worth that bit of extra...

5 SEO Strategy Tips for 2015
Google made a total of thirteen major changes to their ranking algorithm in 2014, and there are certainly dozens more to come in the foreseeable future. One or more of these small changes could make a huge impact on your SEO strategy, perhaps even derailing a...
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