The New Face of SEO

The New Face of SEO

Anyone who has created a website or started a business has heard of the term “SEO.” This stands for search engine optimization and refers to how website owners make their sites more search engine friendly. However, just as marketing itself has changed over the years,...
Meet Our Team: The Content Developer

Meet Our Team: The Content Developer

Applied Interactive is expanding its staff and welcoming some new members that are poised to set unprecedented standards in web marketing. In this ongoing series we’ll be introducing you to these creative, passionate, and extremely talented individuals and learning a...
Strategic Knowledge for B2B Suppliers

Strategic Knowledge for B2B Suppliers

Recent studies are providing B2B suppliers with essential market knowledge. Accenture announced in a recent study of B2B buyers that “71% of buyers prefer to conduct research and purchase on their own.” Forrester noted in a recent report that self-service will lead to...
Meet Our Team: The Content Developer

Meet Our Team: The Operations Manager

Applied Interactive is expanding its staff and welcoming some new members that are poised to set unprecedented standards in web marketing. In this ongoing series we’ll be introducing you to these creative, passionate, and extremely talented individuals and learning a...
Boost Traffic With 5 Blogging Strategy Basics

Boost Traffic With 5 Blogging Strategy Basics

Does your business’s blog feel like a desert outpost? If your site traffic needs a boost, revisit these blogging strategy basics to find your buyers. Get inside your buyer’s head Can you describe your target customers and their top concerns in detail? If not,...
Identify Your Target Audience

Identify Your Target Audience

In our last blog, we left with you with the advice that the best marketing strategies come from an in-depth understanding of your customer base. With this in mind, the primary difficulties encountered when creating content for a respective industry become fairly...