SEO At A Glance: What You Really Need To Know

SEO At A Glance: What You Really Need To Know

In today’s business world, maintaining a competitive online presence is increasingly important, and this includes an effective SEO strategy that will place your business at the top of the list when it comes to searches conducted by potential customers. With potential...
The New Face of SEO

The New Face of SEO

Anyone who has created a website or started a business has heard of the term “SEO.” This stands for search engine optimization and refers to how website owners make their sites more search engine friendly. However, just as marketing itself has changed over the years,...
Building a Link Profile for Local Businesses

Building a Link Profile for Local Businesses

Links, as the name implies, are the ties that bind web pages together. Search engines and marketers use links to discover new pages, evaluate a page’s popularity, and determine its relevance. From an SEO standpoint, building a strong link profile is a critical...
Google Seeks a New Standard of Truth on the Internet

Google Seeks a New Standard of Truth on the Internet

Since its inception, the Internet has never ceased growing, being filled with more and more content every minute. Unfortunately, most of this content is garbage. Propaganda, misinformation, and pure rumor clutters many search results and sorting through that digital...
Yahoo Makes Gains in Battle of Search Engines

Yahoo Makes Gains in Battle of Search Engines

The battle of the search engines is raging, and Yahoo is currently enjoying the highest share numbers it has seen in the past five years. This gain has been largely attributed to Firefox’s replacement of Google with Yahoo as its default search browser. Meanwhile,...