by Applied Interactive | Dec 30, 2014 | Blog
Google made a total of thirteen major changes to their ranking algorithm in 2014, and there are certainly dozens more to come in the foreseeable future. One or more of these small changes could make a huge impact on your SEO strategy, perhaps even derailing a...
by Applied Interactive | Dec 11, 2014 | Blog
Moz Blog, one of the more reputable sources for search engine optimization (SEO) best practices, recently released a video entitled “Google Leaked Dos and Don’ts.” Here at Applied Interactive, we take advice from this source quite seriously, but we take great pride in...
by Applied Interactive | Nov 21, 2014 | Blog
By now, everyone understands that any successful business must have a robust social media presence. Every savvy business owner has already asked themselves the question: “Which social media platforms are right for me and my company?” The answer is probably not...
by Applied Interactive | Nov 20, 2014 | Blog
Most are familiar with the recent attacks by hackers who have accessed point-of-sale systems like those at Home Depot and Target, stealing their customers’ valuable credit card information. According to Aaron Portnoy, world-renowned cyber-security expert, these...
by Applied Interactive | Apr 10, 2014 | Blog
Heartbleed is a web server vulnerability that makes encrypted data passing through websites easily readable. It is particularly scary because it impacts a massive cross-section of the internet, threatens the security of personal data such as passwords and credit card...