Jessica, operations manager
Applied Interactive is expanding its staff and welcoming some new members that are poised to set unprecedented standards in web marketing. In this ongoing series we’ll be introducing you to these creative, passionate, and extremely talented individuals and learning a little bit about the people that are the heart and soul of our team.
Operations Manager, and official in-house photographer, Jessica joined the Applied Interactive team in early Spring 2015. Initially hired to assist with some basic filing tasks, AI quickly discovered they had found a hidden gem and put Jess’ impressive skills for organization and management to better use. We like to get our information direct from the source, so we sat down with this former U.S. Navy nuclear technician to find out how she keeps the Content Department running like a well-oiled machine.
What is your position here at Applied Interactive?
I am the Operations Manager, essentially it’s my job to make sure the trains run on time. I ensure that everything we have scheduled gets posted and that everything we post is presented correctly. I just try to make sure everything is done quickly, efficiently, and thoroughly.
You’re the ringmaster of the circus, then?
[laughs] Something like that.
What were your first impressions of Applied Interactive?
It was a pleasant environment. I think that was the most attractive factor—that when you came in you didn’t feel like a cog in a machine. Right from the get-go you’re treated like an equal, and that your input was valid and useful, which was nice.
What sparked your interest in marketing?
I think being part of this generation was a big factor in it. Growing up, I spent a lot of time online making websites, promoting and learning how to use social media to my advantage. I grew up adapting to that system, so getting this job was like, “Here, do that thing that you do everyday but for a living!” I fell into it and it was a no-brainer, really.
What is most important to your happiness in a work setting?
The right to have a say. I like to work in an environment where I’m not just being told what to do. I like to have creativity. The ability to exercise creativity is something I couldn’t live without. I hated not being heard in other jobs and I enjoy having a valued opinion in this job. That’s something I will always look for. And a coffee maker, that’s quite valuable, too.
What makes Applied Interactive a great match for you?
Well I think that having my voice heard is what makes AI such a good fit for me. It allows me to be creative and depends on the creativity we are able to produce for our clientele. It’s a place where we can use actual, valuable skills that are needed in our lives, and be able to have fun doing it.
What goals do you hope to accomplish at Applied Interactive?
I want to grow the company, make it the best it can be, and provide engaging and informative content for our clients.
What previous experiences have been useful to you in your successes here?
Like I mentioned earlier, a lot of designing websites on my own in my free time, writing creatively on my own personal projects, and photography, definitely. It sounds strange, but my skills in photography came in handy a lot here because as a photographer you have to learn how to network with people and that became very valuable in this position.
If you could go back in time to the day of your high school graduation and give yourself one piece of advice, what would you say?
Follow your passions. Don’t do what people expect you to do, don’t do what people tell you is “safe”. Don’t listen to what people tell you is the best option—because they don’t know you. They don’t know what the best option is for you. They might send you on a completely wrong course and maybe you’ll make a lot of money but you won’t be happy. It’s better to stick with what you love to do and pursue it aggressively—doggedly, and single-mindedly until you get to a point where you’re making a lot of money doing it, because then you really enjoy your success, too!
Stay tuned to meet the rest of the Applied Interactive team.