
DetecTogether empowers individuals with knowledge that will save and improve lives through early cancer detection.
DetecTogether is a non-profit organization that works to promote awareness of low cancer survival rates among teens and young adults. Through events, informative stories and a powerful online resource center, DetecTogether’s mission is to improve the cancer survival rates in people between 15 and 40 years of age.


DetecTogether approached Applied Interactive to conduct a large scale social media campaign. Applied Interactive employed their comprehensive knowledge of the social media and web marketing landscape to exceed all of DetecTogether’s expectations. DetecTogether was so pleased with the results of the campaign they have continued to partner with Applied Interactive for all their online marketing needs.

Client Since

Over 50,000 Facebook Fans

Over 50 School Clubs

How They Did It

Strategy Consulting

Applied Interactive helped DetecTogether connect with its target audience both on the web and in person.

Web Development

The main DetecTogether website has focused on easy to access information and sharing of stories.

PR & Social Media

DetecTogether has strong communications team to promote cancer awareness.  Throughout the year we help them write and publish press releases to promote their annual gala and other newsworthy events.


Applied Interactive helps manage a Google Adwords budget as well as social media advertising to help with DetecTogether’s mission to increase cancer awareness.
15-40 Connection Cancer Awareness
At DetecTogether we work to improve cancer survival rates in teens and young adults through the power of early cancer detection. Increasing website traffic is a large part of how we reach our audience. Applied Interactive has successfully helped us manage our website, connect with more of our audience through social media campaigns. The team at Applied Interactive has consistently demonstrated their ability and willingness to go above and beyond to help us improve cancer survival rates.
Tricia Scannell Laursen

Executive Director, DetecTogether

What can we do for you?

Contact our team to discuss next steps.